Maritime Commerce Advisory Committee (MCAC) - March 16, 2023


Dial-in: (669) 900-9128 (Meeting ID 963 0519 1853)

    Agenda full text

    Port of San Francisco – Pier 1 – San Francisco, CA 94111
    DATE: Thursday, March 16, 2023
    TIME: 11:30am – 1:00 pm
    LOCATION: Port of San Francisco Offices, Pier 1
    Bayside Conference Room
    Dial-in: (669) 900-9128 (Meeting ID 963 0519 1853)


    1. Welcome and Self-Introductions (All)
    2. Maritime Update (Andre Coleman)
    3. Proposal for Triangle Lot and Pier 45 Sheds A & C (David Beaupre)
    4. Sail GP Presentation (Kyle Meyers)
    5. Old and New Business; General Discussion; Agenda Topics for Future Meetings (All)
    6. Forward Calendar
    • Remaining MCAC meeting dates in 2023 (third Thursday, every other month):
    May 18, July 20, September 21, November 16
    MCAC meetings are held hybrid (in person and virtually) until further notice.
    • Remaining Port Commission meeting dates in 2023:
    March 14, April 11 & 25, May 9, June 13, July 11, August 8, September 12, October 10, November 14, December 12
    PC meetings are held hybrid (in person and virtually) until further notice.

    Minutes full text
    1 Demetri Amaro Port of SF
    2 David  Beaupre Port of SF
    3 Shawn Bennett Bay Delta
    4 Terrence Candell WETA
    5 John Carlier SF Bar Pilots
    6 Chris Christiansen ILWU 
    7 Jason  Covell SF Bar Pilots
    8 Jovan Flavien Port of SF
    9 Tyler  Foster Red & White Fleet
    10 Tom Howard USS Potomac
    11 Ellen  Johnck Co-chair
    12 Denise Lum Port of SF
    13 Wendy McArthur Port of SF
    14 Ann McIntyre SF Bar Pilots
    15 Kyle Meyers Sail GP
    16 Joe Monroe Port of SF
    17 Dominic Moreno Port of SF
    18 Diane  Oshima Port of SF
    19 Marina Secchitano Co-chair
    20 Alvin Sonza Port of SF
    21 Dave Thomas Port of SF

    1.    Welcome 
    •    Self-introductions by all present.

    2.    Maritime Update (Dominic Moreno)
    •    We have a big year in cruise with approximately 130 calls for 2023 and 16 upcoming calls in April.
    •    There has been a decline in cargo activity.  We are working with the terminal operators to understand the market conditions and how the Port can adjust.
    •    The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has shut down salmon season this year.  The drought from recent years has limited the salmon's ability to breed, and now there aren't enough salmon to open the commercial season.
    •    We will be enhancing our water taxi landings soon to give it a refreshed look.
    •    The Sea Change will be arriving at Pier 9. It is the world’s first hydrogen powered ferry, powered by hydrogen fuel cells and batteries.
    •    The Jeremiah O’Brien has relocated to the North side of Pier 35. The commission approved a new 10-year lease with a 5-year option to extend.
    •    Mayor Breed has nominated Ed Harrington to the Port Commission.  He was the former City Controller and General Manager for the PUC.  Commissioner Harrington will replace Commissioner Burton.
    •    Maritime will have an informational presentation on Offshore Wind at the April 25 commission meeting.
    •    Andre attended CAPA Port’s Day at the state capitol on February 15.  Much of the focus was on offshore wind.  Guest speakers included Lieutenant Governor, Eleni Kounalakis; California Secretary of Transportation, Toks Omishakin; and State Controller, Malia Cohen.
    •    Andre will be attending the annual Seatrade Cruise Global 2023 conference in Fort Lauderdale at the end of the month.  
    •    Boris will be attending the 2023 AAPA Legislative Summit in Washington D.C. also at the end of the month.

    3.    Proposal for Triangle Parking Lot and Pier 45 Sheds A & C (David Beaupre)
    •    Fisherman’s Wharf Revitalized, LLC is requesting to redevelop portions of Pier 45 and Seawall Lot 300/301 aka the Triangle Parking Lot.
    •    For more information, please view the presentation under supporting documents.

    4.    Sail Grand Prix (Kyle Meyers)
    •    Kyle Meyers is the CEO and co-founder of Silverback.  
    •    They have been working with SAIL GP internationally since its’ inception in 2019.   
    •    Pier 80 A Shed will be the site for the team bases and technical site details. 
    •    At the south east corner of Shed A, there is an Inspire Learning Zone focused on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) for youths from District 10.  
    •    The finale will take place on May 6 & 7 in the San Francisco Bay waters just off Marina Green, with the racecourse set between Alcatraz Island and the Golden Gate Bridge.
    •    The grand prize is $1 million to the winner.
    •    For more information, please view the presentation under supporting documents.

    5.    Old and New Business; General Discussion
    •    SF Bar Pilots will receive their first new tier 4 compliant boat in May.
    •    Silverback produces 40-50 events around the city including the SF Marathon and Bay to Breakers.
    •    Dave Thomas with SF Water Taxi offers free rides on Mutt Monday.  Bring your dog and you will both ride for free.
    •    There is ongoing concern with the new CARB regulations for commercial harbor craft vessels.
    •    Marina expressed there is a shortage of mariners.  She and Bobby Winston are working collectively to get new blood.  They created a coalition “The Working Waterfront Workforce Development” that spans the Bay Area and received a grant for $500,000.

    6.    Forward Calendar:
    •    MCAC meeting dates schedule in 2023 (third Thursday, every other month):
    MCAC meetings are held in person and virtually, unless otherwise noticed, and begin at 11:30am.
    Due to the COVID-19 public health orders, this meeting will be held online and by teleconference.


    Supporting documents